The Candy Perfume Boy’s Party Season Scent Guide

Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga’s got the drinks, but does she have the right scent to match that party outfit?

Tis the season to be jolly, or completely merry, or if you’re British – absolutely trashed. The best thing about the holiday season is the many soirées, parties (office or otherwise), dinners and gatherings that we all inevitably get invited to, and for me this is the fun part, because after all the holidays are about seeing friends & family and having fun.

I don’t know about you, but when I’m going out I sometimes spend more time thinking about the fragrance I’m going to wear rather than the clothes. I very often find myself trying to match my fragrance to the outfit that I am wearing as well as the occasion. As far as I am concerned, there is nothing worse than not being able to find something that matches , but fear ye not – The Candy Perfume Boys is here to help you pick the perfect scent for the party season.

Below are some recommendations of good party season scents for the girls and the boys (we can’t leave the boys out now can we?). You’ll find a scent for most occasions, but as always if you have any suggestions you would like to share or if you disagree with me completely, please feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments box below!

For the Girls


Fun & Frivolous
Bendelirious by Etat Libre d’Orange

Bendelirious, with it’s unique blend of cherry lollipops, iris and champagne, was made for the party girl. It is a fun, carefree scent that doesn’t take itself too seriously, and neither should it, it’s ditzy, airy, fizzy and fun! So slap on your killer heels and your bright red lippie, spritz on some Bendelerious and prepare for a fun, audacious evening full of frivolity.

Bendelirious is available in 50ml Eau de Parfum for £52.50.

Amouage Gold

For the More Serious Affair
Gold Woman by Amouage

Gold Woman is one of the must opulent and luxurious fragrances my nostrils have ever had the pleasure of sniffing and I would compare it to a classic such as Chanel’s N°5, but Gold Woman is N°5 on steroids. Aldehydes, huge florals and the richest sandalwood make Gold Woman a truly beautiful fragrance for those with a bit of a ‘diva’ tendency.

A fragrance as luxurious as this should only be saved for the very best of occasions, and if you really feel like pushing the boat out, I would recommend shelling out for the extrait, it simply is sublime.

Amouage Gold Woman is available in 50ml and 100ml Eau de Parfum, prices range from £155-£185. The extrait is £255 for 50ml.


For Partying into the Early Hours
Angel by Thierry Mugler

I have described Angel as a ‘Cosmic Drag Queen’ in the past, but don’t let that put you off, I mean it as a compliment. Angel is one of the most beautiful and innovative perfume compositions of all time, it’s distinct and unique character make it perfect for when you want to dance the night away, just don’t apply too much, you may clear the dance-floor.

The original (Eau de Parfum) is, of course, the best version to go for, but you can’t go wrong with the Eau de Toilette or Le Goût du Parfum versions either.

Angel is available in a variety of sizes and concentrations, prices start from £22.50.

Orange Star

Dinner with Friends
Orange Star by Tauer Perfumes

Orange Star is a recent discovery of mine, it’s an unusually cosy citrus scent that showcases a mouthwatering orange note with warm vanilla and the signature ‘Tauerade’ and it would be the perfect scent for dinner with friends. Orange Star is unusual enough for it to be noticed, but it isn’t so unusual that it would ruin your meal or be off putting in any way. I imagine that it would go well with all types of food.

Orange Star is available in 50ml Eau de Parfum for £92.

Portrait of a Lady

One for All Occasions
Portrait of a Lady by Editions de Parfums Frederic Malle

Is there a more gloriously decadent fragrance than Portrait of a Lady? I think not! Portrait of a Lady is centred around rose, but it so much more than just a rose fragrance, it’s a behemoth rose with camphorous patchouli, tart raspberry and deep, rich woods, it is simply awesome in every sense of the word.

As well as being loud, proud and beautiful, Portrait of a Lady is incredibly versatile and would suit just about any occasion, apply lightly for more casual occasions and knock your self out for the more serious of affairs.

Portrait of a Lady is available in 50ml and 100ml Eau de Parfum, prices range from £125-£180.

For the Boys


Fun & Frivolous
Ladyboy by Gorilla Perfume

This one is for the boys who don’t mind a bit of fragrant gender-bending. Ladyboy, with it’s top note of foam bananas and heavenly blend of labdanum and violet leaf really is a whole lot of fun. I dare you not to smile when you try it.

It’s fair to say that Ladyboy isn’t for everyone, in fact seems to polarise opinion, but on the right guy (who is confident enough to ‘rock it’) it becomes the life and soul of the party.

Ladyboy is available in a range of spray sizes and a solid perfume stick, prices range from £7-£30.

Geranium Pour Monsieur

For the More Serious Affair
Géranium Pour Monsieur by Editions de Parfums Frederic Malle

Géranium Pour Monsieur is a modern taken on the classic fougére theme, it is fresh, floral and incredibly smart. Yes it’s very minty, but to classify it simply as a mint fragrance doesn’t do it the justice it deserves, it has a rich floral heart of geranium and aniseed all laid over delightfully clean musks. Géranium Pour Monsieur is an incredibly intelligent fragrance that works with a t-shirt and shorts as well as a dinner jacket and dicky bow.

Géranium Pour Monsieur is available in 50ml and 100ml Eau de Parfum and prices range from £90-£130.


For Partying into the Early Hours
A*Men by Thierry Mugler

When you are in ‘da club’ you need a fragrance that stands out above the cacophony of smells (sweat, hot bodies, spilled drinks, cigarettes (if you live in a country where it is allowed) etc) and A*Men with its nuclear sillage does just that. A*Men has rich notes of mint, lavender, chocolate, coffee, patchouli and tar, it is distinct (understatement of the century) and if anything is going to get you noticed, A*Men will.

A*Men is available in 30ml, 50ml and 100ml, prices range from £21.75-£56.95.


Dinner with Friends
Trayee by Neela Vermeire

Trayee is my favourite of the three India-inspired fragrances from Neela Vermeire, it’s a rich, exotic composition which starts fruity & spicy and develops into a rich and warm woody incense. Trayee also has THE best cardamom note in any fragrance EVER and for that reason it works really well as a fragrance to compliment a meal. It is foody enough to add that little extra something to dinner, but there is also enough of the heavy woody stuff to keep it from interfering and straying into gourmand territory.

Trayee is currently available as part of a Neela Vermeire’s discovery set which retails for €85-€90. Soon it will also be available in 55ml Eau de Parfum (price TBA).

Dior Homme

One for All Occasions
Dior Homme (EDT) by Christian Dior

Dior Homme is one of my all-time favourite masculines, it is an incredibly comfortable blend of iris, chocolate, lavender, vetiver and patchouli that suits the most casual and the smartest of situations. This incredibly versatile fragrance strikes exactly the right balance between powdery feminine notes and warm masculine notes, it’s nothing short of a classic.

Dior Homme is available in 50ml, 100ml and 150ml Eau de Toilette, prices range from £41-£67.65.

Join the Discussion

What are your party season scents?

Do you like to tailor your scent choice to the occasion? Or do you have an all-rounder that works for all occasions?

Do you, like me, try to match your scent to your outfit?

Please leave me your thoughts in the comments box below!


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